Most people are either overwhelmed or confused about the advantages and the drawbacks of going green in their home. Failsafe Electric professionals are here to explain what is true and what is just a myth in efforts to turn your home a little bit ‘greener’
Myth – All new homes are energy efficient.
Truth – The age of a home has little to do with energy efficiency; what matters is how it is outfitted.
Energy saving has more to do with making the home green than its age. A new home with high-tech electronics and added spaces will consume more energy. Rather than just upgrading, you should consider the space that meets your needs. With an energy audit, proper insulation and sealing, your home will be transformed into a green space that saves you energy and protects the environment regardless of its age.
Myth – Geothermal, wind and solar energy is the only way you can save on energy bills
Truth – Stopping leakage in your home can assist in reducing energy costs and is less expensive
By plugging holes and gaps and other forms of air leaks in your home such as in the attic can help in reducing your demand for energy by about 40%. If you intend to invest in better insulation, there might be expensive option but keep in mind that all insulation is green, you can invest in what you can afford and still enjoy the reduced cost of energy. Better insulation means you will need less energy for cooling and heating and this makes your home greener.
Myth – Eco-friendly labels on products mean the right direction towards a greener home.
Truth – Some brands are just ripping you off.
There are many companies that will spend time in putting all kinds of labels to convince you to purchase their products instead of spending time in actually creating energy efficient products. Spend time finding out which products are truly eco-friendly to avoid deceit. The following are some of the labels that are genuine:
- GreenSeal
- Energy Star
- UL Environment
- Good Housekeeping Green Seal
- Scientific Certification Systems
- FSC (Forest Stewardship council)
Myth – Upgrading from incandescent bulbs to Energy saving lighting is expensive.
Truth – Incandescent will cost you more than the installation and operational cost of the energy saving lighting alternatives.
The initial cost of installing energy saving lighting alternatives such as LEDs and CFLs is a bit high but what most people do not realize is that they will save more money in the consumption. Since these lighting alternatives will consume less energy and still be efficient, they are cheaper and the initial cost will be covered by the money you save in bills. Incandescent bulbs might be cheaper to install and replace but when you are constantly replacing them and paying high energy bills, they become expensive.
Myth – All lights should be turned off when you leave the room.
Truth – This depends on the type of lighting.
Yes! You read it right. Halogen lamps and incandescent bulbs should always be turned off. These bulbs are less energy efficient because they will give more heat than light and consume a lot of energy in the process. CFLs and LEDs will consume75% less energy than incandescent but their lifespan will be reduced by turning on and off multiples times. It is commended that you just leave these lights on if you will be out of the room for less than 15 minutes. This will help in saving on replacements.
Myth – Turning your appliances off means they will not be consuming energy.
Truth – If you know about Vampire power, then you understand why the above statement is a myth.
All appliances that feature a standby function, indicator light, power adapter or a clock will still be sucking energy even when they are switched off and this will only increase your energy bills. The amount of energy consumed by the standard cable box is half of what an energy efficient Energy Star Fridge will consume. Now you can get the picture when you include other items such as microwaves, computers, TVs, cell phone chargers and other devices that use changers, adapters and have standby functions. Ensure that these items are plugged off completely to reduce a great amount of money spent in paying bills. You should also have professionals inspect your wiring to ensure that there are no poor connections contributing to the loss of energy and increased bills.
Myth -Turning down the thermostat will waste energy.
Truth – You will save more energy the longer the heating or cooling system is turned off.
Adjusting the thermostat between 10 to 15 degrees for a period of 8 hours everyday will help a great deal in saving between 5 and 10 percent of the energy the systems consume in a year. You can make the changes easy by investing is a Wi-Fi or programmable thermostat that will allow you to set the changes and not keep on setting every other day.
Myth – You cannot save the world alone.
Truth – No one said you are alone.
Most people think that they will not be making a change by transforming their hoses to green homes. Keep in mind that there are other people are doing it around the world. Well, you will be surprised by how much your decision will influence other people and when you inspire change around you, this is what transforms into a revolution that will change the world and earth will be a greener planet.
There must be something sucking the green out of your home and you would like to change it. Just contact Failsafe Electric professional electricians and we will assess you home and suggest changes that will turn your home green and help in reducing your energy bills.