Child Proof Outlets

Every year, more than 2,400 children are treated in emergency rooms for injuries related to electric shocks caused by tampering with electrical outlets. These incidents can be easily prevented with the installation of affordable child-proof outlets, which offer a permanent safety solution.

Child-proof outlets resemble standard outlets but feature spring-loaded receptacle cover plates designed to protect electrical contacts. These plates prevent the insertion of objects when uneven pressure is applied, effectively stopping children from inserting foreign objects into the outlet.

What is a child proof outlet?

How Child-Proof Outlets Work

For adults, operating a child-proof outlet is simple and requires no special skills or significant strength, unlike many child-proof devices. Plugging in an electrical device only requires applying equal pressure to the receptacle plates.

Common Objects Children Insert Into Outlets

Approximately 30% of accidents involving children and electrical outlets occur when common household items are inserted, with 70% of these accidents happening while adults are present. Common items children attempt to insert include keys, hairpins, jewelry, nail files, knives, belt buckles, staples, paperclips, and various tools.

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child playing with an outlet

Upgrade your Home with Child Proof Outlets

Child-proof outlets cost only slightly more than standard outlets and significantly enhance the safety of your home by reducing the risk of electric shock-related accidents. Since 2008, the National Electrical Code has required all new homes to be equipped with child-proof outlets, as they have proven to be highly effective. Installing these outlets can reduce the risks of:

  • Electric shocks – Each year, 2,400 children, or about seven per day, suffer electric shock injuries after inserting objects into outlets.
  • Electric burns – Approximately 95% of injuries from electrical accidents are burns. While the severity may vary, children’s thinner skin makes them more vulnerable to serious burns from even minor electric contact.
  • Fatal injuries – Reducing the risk of electric shock in your home is critical, and installing child-proof outlets is an essential step. For professional installation, contact Fail Safe Electric.

Products You Should Not Buy

When selecting child-proof outlets, avoid products that require screwing plugs into place, as they can be inconvenient and increase fire risk. Additionally, steer clear of low-quality products that may malfunction or wear out quickly.

Choose Safe, Reliable Installation

To ensure the safe installation of child-proof electrical outlets, contact a licensed electrician or electrical professional at Fail Safe Electric. We prioritize your safety and will ensure that your home is equipped with high-quality products that keep your children and family safe from electrical accidents.


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