LED lighting is the future that we all want when it comes to energy efficient lighting. Though LED lights are gaining popularity and replacing the energy inefficient methods of lighting, there are myths that are keeping some people away from the truth that will set them free financially.
LEDs will Last Forever
LED lights will be subject to fading over time. Depending on the condition of operating, these lights are in a position to keep 70% of their light output for a period of 6 years or more than 50,000 hours. If they are used around the clock, they will last twice as much as the fluorescent tubes and multiple times more than the incandescent bulbs.
LEDs are Costly
Initial fixtures of LED lighting can be a little bit costly than the other forms of lighting but the good part is that over time, this cost will be covered and you will save much more. LEDs are durable and will consume less energy. This means that after the initial fixture, you will not have to replace the lights any time soon and they will consume less energy thus saving you a great deal of money. The annual energy consumption will be reduced by up to 80% and you can use this money to cover the initial cost of purchases and installation.
Waiting For LED Prices to Decline
It is obvious tat the prices of purchasing and installing LED lights will go down, but this does not mean that waiting for this moment is a good idea. When you think about it, while you are waiting, your energy inefficient lighting will still be pushing your bills up and by the time you purchase the LED lighting, you will have spent an amount that should have been used in the installation of these efficient lights n the first place.
This Technology Is Too New
LED lights have been in use for more than a decade. Because of their efficiency and energy saving ability, LED lights have earned their place and are used in different settings commercially and in residential homes. The reason they have become top choices is because of their efficiency and durability. They have found a place in industrial operations such as in manufacturing, maintenance, warehousing among many others.
LED Lights Contain Mercury
LED lights do not have mercury but fluorescents and their relatives have mercury and thus should be handled carefully especially when disposing. LEDs are therefore not only efficient and durable, they are also safer.
LEDs are Not Bright Enough
The advances in technology have lead to the modification of LED lights such that they can be used in any setting including industrial applications. You will get a wide range of fixtures from high lumen outputs to low outputs. This gives you an opportunity to select lights that will perfectly match your needs. It is however important that you talk to a professional in lighting for tips that will lead to the right choice of LED lights
LED Lights are too Blue
LED lighting is cooler than any other light colors. The blue hue will vary from the traditional yellow tones. Consumers will however notice an improvement of the quality of lighting with an upgrade. LED lighting is always expanding and if you are not comfortable with one type, there are many other options that will make your lighting suitable for your needs.
LED Lights Have Poor Dimming Functions
High quality well designed LED lights will have dimming settings that will let you choose the amount of lights they emit. You can find advanced settings that will control the brightness and give you the right amount of light when you need it.
LED Magnetic ballasts will Need Replacements and Services
It is important to note that LED lights do not use magnetic ballasts, these use electronic drivers. If the drivers are well designed, then they will not need any replacements. Other light bulbs will use ballasts which will wear out over time and this will lead to a need for replacements. In reality, LEDs are not bulbs; they are semiconductors and thus will not operate in the same manner as the normal bulbs. If you want the lights to last long, you will need to look for high quality electronic drivers that are efficient and will let you enjoy the maximum functionalities and efficiency of LED lights
LED Lights are Not Efficient in high Temperatures
High quality LED lights will function well in varying temperatures. LEDs will perform well in high temperatures and better than most lights in cold temperatures. When selecting LED lights, aim for high quality because this is what determines how well the lights work in different conditions.
LED Lights are Too Bright For Some Applications
Well designed LED will have controlled glare and light placement and this will ensure that the lights can be used in a wide range of applications. These lights are suitable for high-intensity application and are highly reliabl0 and durable.
It is time to shift with technology. You can change your old lighting to accommodate the energy efficient low maintenance LED lights. Contact Failsafe Electric and let our professionals help you in upgrading to LED lighting.
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