Tips On How You Can Prevent An Electrical Fire

There are more than 25,000 reported electrical fires in the United States every year. According to the US Fire Administration, these fires cause injury and death to over 1,300 people. Electrical fires result in greater losses than non-electrical fires. This is because unlike other fires, the electrical fires have to be dealt with in a special way. The surprising thing is that these fires can be prevented using very simple steps that most people overlook in their homes. The following are some of the things you can do to keep electrical fires away from your home and protect your life and those living in the house:

Have Your Home Inspected

If you live in a home that was built decades ago, it is important that you hire a qualified electrician to inspect the electrical system.Electrical wiring does not last forever and this means that if your house is half a century old, you will need to have it rewired.Homes that have aluminum wiring are more prone to electrical fires than copper wired homes. It is recommended that all homes be wired using solid copper that meets modern appliance needs. If your home does not have the recommended 12-AWG gauge wire, it is time to hire an electrician to rewire it.

Check For Electrical cord and Plug Damages

Most electrical fires are caused by faulty wiring. If you see any frayed, worn out or tattered wire, you should have it replaced immediately. Cords that are in poor condition are prone to overheating and can lead to sparks that will start a fire. If the cords serve appliances, you can buy a replacement cord and ensure that the replacement is of the best quality to avoid any faults.

Avoid Overloaded Outlets

Overburdening electrical outlets is a common cause of electrical fires in homes and business premises. This happens when one outlet is used to serve too many appliances. The solution here is to purchase power strips that are fitted with overload protection. This is technology that will shut off the strip as soon as there is overloading. With this, you will prevent any overheating that might be caused by the overload.

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Always Keep Flammables Away

While a portable electric heater is dangerous, you should not overlook other electric appliances such as hair dryers, irons and lamps. When any electrical appliance comes into contact with flammable materials or substances, a fire will start.Keep things such as towels, rugs, blankets and flammable substances away from appliances. Do not hide cables under rugs or carpets because when they overheat, they will easily cause a fire and the rug or carpet will be there to fuel it.

Do Not ‘Fix’ The Problem

Unless it is something as simple as replacing a detachable cord or a bulb, you should not attempt to handle any electrical problem at home. If you are not a trained electrician, stay away from electricity-related problems. Some of the risks include further damaging the system, damaging the appliances, electrocution and electrical fires.When you notice flickering lamps, sparks when plugging in something, constantly tripping breakers or buzzing outlets, you need to call an emergency electrician to solve the problem as soon as possible.

We all depend on electricity for a lot of things in our daily lives. However, the same electricity that we love so much can turn against us and cause a lot of damages and injuries when handled improperly. Make sure your home is safe by having an expert inspect it and follow the tips above to prevent fires caused by electricity in your home.