435bbbcfe445885c2060f51b3f6d4111Grounding is a common term used in bringing up children, but do you know your home needs grounding too? Not the type of grounding that comes as punishment after your kids have been naughty, but a kind of grounding that will leave your home safe and lengthen the life span of your appliances and electronics. Failsafe Electric experts will guide you on what you need to ensure that your home and your appliances are safe through proper grounding.

Electricity is always attracted to paths with less resistance and when there is too much electricity, it will need to go somewhere. This is where grounding applies. Without proper grounding, the excess electricity will simply flow into your electronics and appliance destroying them. In some cases, you might be the path and this will not end well.

Rules of Grounding

Since you would not like it if you or your electronics are the chosen path of the excess electricity, you should have a grounding wire added. This will give the excess electricity the easiest escape route which is into the ground. This is the reason why this process is referred to as grounding. All your outlets and your electrical box should be connected to the grounding wire for proper safe grounding to direct excesses to the ground and prevent electric shocks and damaged electronics and appliances.

Incorrect Grounding Becomes a Punishment

130 20802726Without the correct grounding you, your home and all its appliances and electronics will be at risk of getting burnt. It is only through proper rounding that you will be protected from deadly electric shocks and possible electrical fires.

Is Your Home Grounded Properly?

It is a difficult task to tell if your home is properly grounded without the specialized testing devices. Having 3-pronged outlets is not a sign that your home has proper grounding. The outlets must be properly wired into the grounding. Grounding is more than just sticking a metal rod into the ground; you will need to have proper attachment to all the wires, and home water pipes and many other processes. If you want proper grounding that will ensure your home is safe, let a professional Failsafe Electric electrician assess your home.

Age Matters

As a result of all the modern safety standards, newer home are probably better grounded. Older homes might or might not be properly grounded. There are also high chances that older homes have grounding that has been compromised and this leaves the house at risk. To avoid potential risks of fire, damaged electronics and electric shocks, have a qualified electrician test the grounding in your home.

If you are not sure if your home is properly grounded, you could be risking a lot of things including your own safety. It is important that you have a professional check your home for solutions that will leave it safe. Call Failsafe Electric today and we will send our highly qualified electricians to assess your home and check whether the grounding is properly done.