Point of use power strips are not the only elements involved in sufficient surge protection. To properly safeguard your electronic devices and appliances, there is a need for multiple protection layers. You have spent a great deal of money in buying your electronics and you need to do your best to protect them.
Primary Protection- Whole House Surge Protectors
Whole-house surge protectors are installed between the home and the power lines or between the breaker box and the meter. These devices are installed as protection against today’s unexpected and common surges and spikes. The surge protectors will drive any excess electricity to the ground and this will protect your electronics and save you a great deal of money in repairs and purchases of new appliances to replace the ones damaged by the surge.
Power Surge Protectors Working With Power Conditioners
Since the surge protector will not guarantee 100% protection, you will require a backup to increase the protection levels. This is where the power conditioners and point of use surge protectors come in handy. The installation of these devices is at your home’s outlets and they shed off excess power through grounding and protects your electronics incase the whole house surge protector is overcome by a surge or a spike. And added advantage that comes with these devices is the filtering of electrical noise. There are less expensive devices that will protect your appliances but might be destroyed internally and you will need to replace them. You can also choose to buy more expensive devices that will protect your appliances and have the ability to handle any surges without getting damaged.
Is A Noise Filter Important for Electricity?
If you have ever been watching our favorite movie or program and someone in the house is operating a blender or vacuum cleaner, you must have noticed the annoying buzzing sound from the speaker. This is what is referred to as electrical noise, and with a properly working noise filter, you will not have to worry about the disruptions.
Can Power Strips Help?
Well, the cheap strips are simply that, cheap. They may protect your appliances with minor surges but will not handle anything more than that. Cheap is what you get when you purchase these strips and they are nothing close to the pair of a surge protector and a power conditioner. In a major surge, these strips will fail and your appliances will be exposed. Some can even catch fire increasing the risks of accidents in your home.
The high quality surge protectors working with power conditioners will ensure that your appliances are protected and also offer a number of other benefits such as the filtering of electrical current flowing into the home and cleaning it to ensure the correct voltage is reaching the appliance for an efficient operation. The device will also eliminate minor disturbances and drops thus increasing efficiency and reducing energy bills. There will also be filtration between components that will be plugged in the same conditioner.
It is now easy and inexpensive to protect your appliances and your home and Failsafe Electric will give you a hand in making this a reality. Contact Fail Safe electric today and have the best surge protector and power conditioners installed in your home.
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